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TRANSMISSION ActiveDrive 4 / ActiveDrive 8 / CVXDrive

FPT ENGINE 4.5 / 6.7

hydraulics up to 133 l/min


Maxxum Series

Maxxum has long been the name by which mid-range tractors are measured, a byword for models which are agile, frugal, strong and dependable. Now there’s an even wider line-up of model specifications to choose from, providing you with a broader range of transmissions to match exactly the demands of your business.

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Maxxum Series

Maxxum has long been the name by which mid-range tractors are measured, a byword for models which are agile, frugal, strong and dependable. Now there’s an even wider line-up of model specifications to choose from, providing you with a broader range of transmissions to match exactly the demands of your business.

Maxxum/Maxxum Multicontroller/Maxxum CVX

Standard Maxxum models may be the entry level tractors in the range, but they are equipped with a specification that’s comprehensive by any measure, with just the right level of technology to meet modern-day demands. They benefit from the ActiveDrive 4 transmission with 16F/16R 40 km/h four-speed powershift.

Get the MAXIMUM out of your day                                                                              

Now there’s a fresh line-up, featuring improvements and developments that take these tractors ahead in every area, once again setting new standards for this power class. Whether you’re looking for a manoeuvrable livestock farm workhorse or an arable tractor capable of handling field and road duties with equal ease, Maxxum Multicontroller remains the name to remember. 

Maxxum Multicontroller models make both tractor and operator more productive, courtesy of the trademark Case IH Multicontroller. And now, with the new 24F/24R ActiveDrive 8 eight-speed powershift transmission, which features automatic shifting, Maxxum Multicontroller models are even easier to operate.

ActiveDrive 8

ActiveDrive 8

ActiveDrive 8 ActiveDrive 8 is a new three-range, eight-speed powershift transmission from Case IH, providing a total of 24 speeds in both forwards and reverse. The transmission incorporates a number of features designed to make the tractor more efficient and the driver more relaxed. Covering speeds up to 10.7kph, range one is specifically designed for heavier draft work. Range two, the main working range, covers nearly 90% of all field, grassland and loader application requirements, allowing you to work under full load, without any torque disruption, from 4.3-18.1kph. For road travel, the transmission is designed to start in range three, and a skip-shift function allows you to quickly progress through the powershift speeds.
CVX Stands for efficiency

CVX Stands for efficiency

Just like their larger cousins in the Case IH range, Maxxum tractors are available with CVXDrive continuously variable drive technology, offering seamless travel from standstill up to 50 km/h, which can be achieved at a fuel-frugal 1,700 rpm. CVXDrive transmissions use a DKT (doppel-kupplungs-technologie) double clutch system for optimal performance. However, CVXDrive technology is about more than just efficiency; it’s about ease of use, which is why we’ve ensured Maxxum CVX tractors are incredibly simple to operate, suiting them to all types of operator and operation.

Maxxum CVX

The Case IH CVXDrive transmission, available on Maxxum models from 116-145hp, suits all operators, from full-time staff to occasional drivers. And with a new 175hp (max) sixcylinder Maxxum 150 CVX at the top of the range, there’s now a choice of four- or six-cylinder models at this power level.

You never had a wider choice

You never had a wider choice

From the outside, you’ll notice that Maxxum CVX tractors look strikingly different to their predecessors, with sharp fresh styling and improved lighting. But it’s what you can’t initially see that makes these tractors so different to their forebears. From the latest FPT engines – more frugal, cleaner and with greater power outputs than before – to operating feature updates designed to make your life easier.
Comfortable ride

Comfortable ride

Case IH knows: a comfortable operator is a productive operator, and that’s why we’ve put even more focus on driver features in these latest Maxxum models. From an upgraded front axle suspension system to an enhanced range of seating options, Maxxum tractors are designed to ensure the operator remains comfortable hour after hour, day after day, regardless the task or terrain.

Ease of operation

If you’ve operated a Maxxum before, you’ll know how intuitive its controls are; if you haven’t, take a seat and find out! These are tractors designed by people who understand tractors – people who understand farming. Whether your requirement is for a machine with standard specification or one with the most advanced technology package, there is a level of Maxxum to suit, each as simple to operate as the others.

Perfect lighting

Perfect lighting

Early starts and late finishes are part and parcel of farming. That’s why Case IH gives you yet more lighting power with the latest generation Maxxum tractors. New front working lights and roof styling incorporates a full 360-degree lighting package to ensure you can see not just what’s ahead of you and how things are performing to the rear, but out to the extremities of your implement as well.

Designed to be efficient

Capable of cutting any task down to size, at the heart of every Maxxum tractor lies one of the industry’s most modern, most frugal and most productive engines. With Case IH, there’s no question of seeking outside sources of power – our engines come from our sister firm FPT Industrial, producer of some of the most respected powerplants in the business. From the four-cylinder 116 hp Maxxum 115 to the six-cylinder 145 hp Maxxum 150 (rated powers), all feature FPT engines, with four-cylinder 4.5 litre units in all models bar the flagship six-cylinder 6.7 litre Maxxum 150.

 Simpler or smarter

These entry-level machines benefit from a 16F/16R 40 km/h 4-speed powershift transmission. A creep speed option doubles this number to 32F/32R. So if a simple 4-speed-powershift is sufficient to meet the needs of a particular business, then with a Maxxum that doesn’t mean it’s necessary to skimp on specification.

Completely compatible

Maxxum models are quipped with up to 4 mechanical or electrical rear remote valves. A fixed displacement pump delivers up to 80l/min of oil flow, whilst a high capacity, pressure flow compensating, variable displacement piston pump is optional on Maxxum models and delivers up to 113l/min. With a lift capacity of up to 7,115 kg (on tractors with an 80 l/min hydraulic pump) or 7,864 kg (on tractors with a 113 l/min pump), Maxxum models are more than capable of handling what’s hitched up to them, whilst a 2,800 kg (80l/min) or 3,100 kg (113 l/min) front linkage is optional. Electronic Hitch Control is standard on all Maxxums, with full electronic draft control sensing and Hitch Ride Control.

Technical information
Модел Maxxum 150 Maxxum 145 Maxxum 135 Maxxum 125 Maxxum 115
Брой цилиндри 6 4 4 4 4
Тип двигател Common Rail; 24 клапана, турбокомпресор и интеркулер Common Rail; 16 клапана, турбокомпресор и интеркулер
Ниво на вредни емисии Stage IV Stage IV Stage IV Stage IV Stage IV
Обем (cм) 6,728 4,485 4,485 4,485 4,485
Характеристики на ДВГ          
Максимална мощност със система Power Management (кс (kW)) 175 (129) 175 (129) 169 (124) 155 (114) 145 (107)
Максимална мощност (кс (kW)) 158 (116) 155 (114) 145 (107) 135 (99) 125 (92)
при обороти на ДВГ (rpm) 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900
Номинална мощност със система Power Management (кс (kW)) 165 (121) 160 (118) 155 (114) 140 (103) 131 (96)
Номинална мощност (кс (kW)) 145 (107) 145 (107) 135 (99) 125 (92) 116 (85)
Номинални обороти на двигателя (rpm) 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Максимален въртящ момент със система Power Management (Nm @ rpm) 740 @ 1,500 700 @ 1,500 700 @ 1,500 637 @ 1,500 590 @ 1,500
Максимален въртящ момент (Nm@ rpm) 650 @ 1,500 650 @ 1,500 605 @ 1,500 560 @ 1,500 528 @ 1,500
Нарастване на въртящия момент без/със използване на Power Management (%) 40 / 40 40 / 37 40 / 42 40 / 43 41 / 42
Обем на резервоара за гориво/AdBlue (литри) 210 (39,5) 210 (39,5) 210 (39,5) 210 (39,5) 210 (39,5)
Стандартна трансмисия          
Тип 16x16 Semi-Powershift 16x16 4-speed Semi-Powershift
Максимална скорост (км/ч) 40 40 40 40 40
Powershuttle Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Creeper (пълзящи предавки) - - - - -
Опционална трансмисия          
Тип 32x32 Semi-Powershift 32x32 4-speed Semi-Powershift
Maximum Speed Forward (kp/h) 40 40 40 40 40
Powershuttle Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Creeper Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Тип Превключваем с прогресия; електро-хидравлично активиране
Стандартни скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 540 / 540E / 1,000 @ 1,969 / 1,546 / 1,893
Опционални скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 540E / 1,000 / 1,000E @ 1,592 / 1,893 / 1,621
Активация на база постъпателна скорост Опция Опция Опция Опция Опция
тип вал 1 3/8" 21 шлица (1 3/8" 6 шлица)
Преден ВОМ и навесна система          
Стандартни скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 1,000 @ 1,895 1,000 @ 1,895 1,000 @ 1,895 1,000 @ 1,895 1,000 @ 1,895
Товароподемност на навесната система (кг) 2,800 / 3,100 2,800 / 3,100 2,800 / 3,100 2,800 / 3,100 2,800 / 3,100
Задвижваща линия          
4WD Да Да Да Да Да
Окачване на предния мост Опция Опция Опция Опция Опция
Ъгъл на завиване ( ) 55 55 55 55 55
Минимален радиус на завиване (м) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
Блокаж на задния диференциал многодисков със система за управление
тип сервизна спирачка многодискова спирачка с хидравлично управление, саморегулируема
ABS система - - - - -
Хидравлична система          
Максимален дебит на помпата Стандарт/Опция (литри) 80 / 113 80 / 113 80 / 113 80 / 113 80 / 113
Максимално налягане (bar) 190 / 210 190 / 210 190 / 210 190 / 210 190 / 210
Тип контрол на навеса Електронен контрол (EHC) с ride control
Максимална товароподемност (кг) 7,115 / 7,864 7,115 / 7,864 7,115 / 7,864 7,115 / 7,864 7,115 / 7,864
Товароподемност през целия диапазон @ 610 мм (кг) 6,796 6,796 6,796 6,796 6,796
Максимален брой задни клапани за допълнителна хидравлика 4 механични 4 механични 4 механични 4 механични 4 механични
Максимален брой средни клапани за допълнителна хидравлика 2 2 2 2 2
Категория на навеса Кат II / III Кат II / III Кат II / III Кат II / III Кат II / III
Контрол на приплъзването Опция Option Option Option Option

Таблица 2

Модел Maxxum 150 Multicontroller Maxxum 145 Multicontroller Maxxum 135 Multicontroller Maxxum 125 Multicontroller Maxxum 115 Multicontroller
Брой цилиндри 6 4 4 4 4
Тип двигател Common Rail; 24 клапана,турбокомпресор и интеркулер Common Rail; 16 клапана,турбокомпресор и интеркулер
Ниво на вредни емисии Stage IV Stage IV Stage IV Stage IV Stage IV
Обем (cм) 6,728 4,485 4,485 4,485 4,485
Характеристики на ДВГ          
Максимална мощност със система Power Management (кс (kW)) 175 (129) 175 (129) 169 (124) 155 (114) 145 (107)
Максимална мощност (кс (kW)) 158 (116) 155 (114) 145 (107) 135 (99) 125 (92)
при обороти на ДВГ (rpm) 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900
Номинална мощност със система Power Management (кс (kW)) 165 (121) 160 (118) 155 (114) 140 (103) 131 (96)
Номинална мощност (кс (kW)) 145 (107) 145 (107) 135 (99) 125 (92) 116 (85)
Номинални обороти на двигателя (rpm) 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Максимален въртящ момент със система Power Management (Nm @ rpm) 740 @ 1,500 700 @ 1,500 700 @ 1,500 637 @ 1,500 590 @ 1,500
Максимален въртящ момент (Nm@ rpm) 650 @ 1,500 650 @ 1,500 605 @ 1,500 560 @ 1,500 528 @ 1,500
Нарастване на въртящия момент без/със използване на Power Management (%) 40 / 40 40 / 37 40 / 42 40 / 43 41 / 42
Обем на резервоара за гориво/AdBlue (литри) 250 (39.5) 250 (39.5) 250 (39.5) 250 (39.5) 250 (39.5)
Стандартна трансмисия (Maxxum Multicontroller)          
Тип 24x24 Powershift
Максимална скорост (км/ч) 40 40 40 40 40
Powershuttle Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Creeper (пълзящи предавки) - - - - -
Опционална трансмисия 1 (Maxxum Multicontroller)          
Тип 48x48 Powershift
Maximum Speed Forward (kp/h) 40 40 40 40 40
Powershuttle Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Creeper Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Опционална трансмисия 2 (Maxxum CVXDrive)          
Тип CVT (варио) CVT (варио) CVT (варио) CVT (варио) CVT (варио)
Максимална скорост (км/ч) 40 Eco / 50 Eco 40 Eco / 50 Eco 40 Eco / 50 Eco 40 Eco / 50 Eco 40 Eco / 50 Eco
Powershuttle Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Creeper (пълзящи предавки) интегриран интегриран интегриран интегриран интегриран
Тип Превключваем с прогресия; електро-хидравлично активиране
Стандартни скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 540 / 540E / 1,000 @ 1,969 / 1,546 / 1,893
Опционални скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 540E / 1,000 / 1,000E @ 1,592 / 1,893 / 1,621
Активация на база постъпателна скорост Опция Опция Опция Опция Опция
тип вал 1 3/8" 21 шлица (1 3/8" 6 шлица)
Преден ВОМ и навесна система          
Стандартни скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 1,000 @ 1,895
Товароподемност на навесната система (кг) 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100
Задвижваща линия          
4WD Да Да Да Да Да
Окачване на предния мост Опция Опция Опция Опция Опция
Ъгъл на завиване ( ) 55 55 55 55 55
Минимален радиус на завиване (м) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
Блокаж на задния диференциал многодисков със система за управление
тип сервизна спирачка многодискова спирачка с хидравлично управление, саморегулируема
ABS система - - - - -
Хидравлична система          
Максимален дебит на помпата Стандарт/Опция (литри) 113 / 134 113 / 134 113 / 134 113 / 134 113 / 134
Максимално налягане (bar) 210 210 210 210 210
Тип контрол на навеса Електронен контрол (EHC) с ride control
Максимална товароподемност (кг) 7,864 7,864 7,864 7,864 7,864
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