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HORSEPOWER from 90 to 117 hp

TRANSMISSION 12x12 powershuttle, 24x24 powershuttle


hydraulics up to 100l/min


Farmall C Series

Case IH Farmall C tractors define versatility, with a compact design concealing an engine and transmission that punch weigh above their weight. That’s the secret to their ability to switch easily between yard jobs in confined spaces one moment and putting in a full day’s field work the next. Equally at home on grassland and livestock farms, specialist enterprises such as poultry units and vegetable growing, and turf and amenity maintenance, Farmall C more than lives up to its name.

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Farmall C



Case IH Farmall C tractors define versatility, with a compact design concealing an engine and transmission that punch weigh above their weight. That’s the secret to their ability to switch easily between yard jobs in confined spaces one moment and putting in a full day’s field work the next. Equally at home on grassland and livestock farms, specialist enterprises such as poultry units and vegetable growing, and turf and amenity maintenance, Farmall C more than lives up to its name.
The perfect work station

The perfect work station

Wide opening glass doors and a full height entrance make it easy to enter the cab from either side. The controls are laid out logically, so that operation becomes instinctive, making the Farmall C suitable for casual drivers as well as owner operators. And the optional Multicontroller puts functions such as shuttle, powershift and linkage operation at your fingertips, providing effortless operation of key features.
Doing more with less

Doing more with less

The FPT 4-cylinder common rail engine does not need to be driven at rated speed to perform; it delivers full power at a fuel-saving 1,300 rpm (90C-120C). This not only keeps fuel consumption down in all applications, but also results in high operating comfort due to lower noise and vibration levels.
Take on the toughest challenges

Take on the toughest challenges

If you have been looking for an all-rounder, but think smaller tractors lack the specifications of their heavier stable mates, look again – at the Case IH Farmall C! From simple mechanical entry level to two-speed powershift and powershuttle, a wide range of transmissions are available. This low clearance, high energy performer combines the best of compact utility tractor engineering with the advancedtechnological features you will be familiar with from larger machines, and have come to expect from Case IH. And with updated features including optional Multicontroller armrest, higher 4,400kg lift capacity, three-speed PTO and loader-ready package from the factory, it’s now more versatile than ever before.



The Farmall C range is available with three different PTO options :540/1000; 540/540E/1000; and 540/540Е/1000 with ground speed. All models Farmall C series feature electro-hydraulic PTO engagement.
Put power where you need it

Put power where you need it

You can choose between the simplicity of manual gear selection or low effort hydraulic operation. The assertive mechanical transmission offers 12 forward and 12 reverse gears with 40 kph, and is also available with Powershuttle. The four models of the range are also available with a two-speed Powershift that doubles the number of available speeds to 24 forward and 24 reverse, plus Powerclutch and Powershuttle. Low speed creeper gears are available on all transmissions.

Technical information
Модел Farmall 120 C Farmall 110 C Farmall 100 C Farmall 90 C
Брой цилиндри 4 4 4 4
Брой клапани на цилиндър 4 4 4 4
Тип двигател Commonrail, турбокомпресор и интеркулер
Ниво на вредни емисии Stage V Stage V Stage V Stage V
Обем (cм) 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
Характеристики на ДВГ        
Максимална мощност със система Power Management (кс (kW)) - - - -
Максимална мощност (кс (kW)) при обороти на ДВГ (rpm) - - - -
Номинална мощност със система Power Management (кс (kW)) - - - -
Номинална мощност (кс (kW)) 117 (86) 110 (81) 100 (74) 90 (66)
Номинални обороти на двигателя (rpm) 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300
Максимален въртящ момент със система Power Management (Nm @ rpm) - - - -
Максимален въртящ момент (Nm@ rpm) 506 @ 1,300 490 @ 1,300 450 @ 1,300 380 @ 1,300
Нарастване на въртящия момент без/със използване на Power Management (%) 41,7 / - 45,7 / - 46,5 / - 38,7 / -
Обем на резервоара за гориво/AdBlue (литри) 128/9,6 128/9,6 128/9,6 128/9,6
Стандартна трансмисия        
Тип 12 x 12 синхро-механична с powershuttle
Максимална скорост (км/ч) 40 40 40 40
Powershuttle Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт Стандарт
Creeper (пълзящи предавки) - - - -
Опционална трансмисия        
Тип 24 x 24 Hi-Lo 24 x 24 Hi-Lo 24 x 24 Hi-Lo 24 x 24 Hi-Lo
Максимална скорост (км/ч) 40 40 40 40
Powershuttle Опция Опция Опция Опция
Creeper (пълзящи предавки) - - - -
тип електро-хидравлична активация
Стандартни скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000
Опционални скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 540/540E/1,000 или 540/540E/1000 с ground speed
Активация на база постъпателна скорост Опция Опция Опция Опция
тип вал - - - -
Преден ВОМ и навесна система        
Стандартни скорости на ВОМ @ обороти на ДВГ 1,000 @ 1,920 1,000 @ 1,920 1,000 @ 1,920 1,000 @ 1,920
Товароподемност на навесната система (кг) 1,670 1,670 1,670 1,670
Задвижваща линия        
2WD Да Да Да Да
4WD Да Да Да Да
Окачване на предния мост - - - -
Ъгъл на завиване ( ) - - - -
Минимален радиус на завиване (м) 4.23 4.23 4.23 4.23
Блокаж на задния диференциал Електро-хидравличен
тип сервизна спирачка - - - -
ABS система - - - -
Хидравлична система        
Максимален дебит на помпата Стандарт/Опция (литри) 100 100 100 100
Максимално налягане (bar) 190/170 190/170 190/170 190/170
Тип контрол на навеса Електронен контрол на навеса (EHC)
Максимална товароподемност (кг) 4400 4400 4400 4400
Товароподемност през целия диапазон @ 610 мм (кг) 4270 4270 4270 4270
Максимален брой задни клапани за допълнителна хидравлика 3 3 3 3
Максимален брой средни клапани за допълнителна хидравлика 2 2 2 2
Категория на навеса - - - -
Контрол на приплъзването - - - -
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